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Hello Lakshmi and thank you once again for another wonderful issue of Journeys and Jottings. As always, the content has brought me much delight. Your thoughts on de-cluttering resonate with mine and I always wonder how we manage to accumulate so many things and are reluctant to part with them only because of the memories attached with each of them. Grateful for introducing 1 Fine Day- what a lovely concept; would love to get in touch with them for my own box :). Though a self-proclaimed arm chair traveler, Slow Travel will be the mantra of post-Pandemic travel. We all need to breathe, savor each experience and be thankful to be alive to enjoy the beauty around us- I sincerely hope your blog on slow travel reaches the millions who are always in a hurry to rush from one destination to another without appreciating what each destination has to offer- thank you; for me- it is slow travel in the coming years! Stay Safe and keep well - look forward to the next issue

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